Principal Investigator
Jong-Bong Lee (이종봉), Ph.D.
Contact :; 054-279-2095
Office : Room # 215 in Science Building III
- 2004: Ph.D, Physics, Brandeis University, MA, USA
- 1996: MS, Physics, Sogang University, Korea
- 1993: BS, Physics in major and Mathematics in minor, Sogang University, Korea
Professional Experiences
- 2021 ~ Present: Visiting Professor, Department of Chemistry, Rice University, Houston, TX, USA
- 2019 ~ Present: Head, IBIO, POSTECH, Pohang, Korea
- 2019 ~ 2021: Chair, Division of Biological Physics, the Korean Physical Society
- 2017 ~ 2019: Review Board, National Research Foundation of Korea
- 2017 ~ 2019: Mueunjae-Chaired Professor
- 2013 ~ 2014: Visiting Professor, Department of Cancer Biology and Genetics, College of Medicine, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA
- 2007 ~ Present: Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor, Department of Physics and School of Interdisciplinary Bioscience & Bioengineering (IBIO), POSTECH, Korea
- 2004 ~ 2007: Postdoctoral Research, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
Honors & Awards
- 2019: LG Yonam Academic Support for professors’ overseas research
- 2017: Fundamental Science Excellence awarded by the Ministry of Science and ICT of Korea
- 2017: Proud POSTECHIAN, Excellence in Research, awarded by POSTECH
- 2017: National R&D Excellence 100 awarded by the Korean Government
- 2017: Mueunjae-Chaired Professor awarded by POSTECH
- 2016: The 23rd Samsung HumanTech Paper Award, Gold prize (Adviser)
- 2012: The 19th Samsung HumanTech Paper Award, Silver prize (Adviser)
Postdoctoral researcher
Byungju Kim (김병주), Ph.D., Physics
Contact:; 054-279-5514
2022 : Ph.D, Physics, POSTECH, Pohang, Korea
2013 : BS degree in Physics , Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea
Graduate students
Inho Yang (양인호), Ph.D. Candidate, Physics
Contact:; 054-279-5514
2016 : BS degree in Physics , POSTECH, Pohang, Korea
Philsang Yu (유필상), Ph.D. Candidate, Physics
Contact:; 054-279-5514
2017 : BS degree in Physics, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Yongin, Korea
Jincheol Seol (설진철), Ph.D. Candidate, IBIO
Contact:; 054-279-5514
2018 : BS degree in Biotechnology, Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea
Keunsang Yang (양근상), Ph.D. Candidate, IBIO
Contact:; 054-279-5514
2018 : BS degree in Biotechnology, Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea
Songmi Oh (오송미), Ph.D. Candidate, IBIO
Contact:; 054-279-5514
2020 : BS degree in biotechnology, Yonsei University, WonJu, Korea
Jinseob Lee (이진섭), Ph.D. Candidate, IBIO
Contact:; 054-279-5514
2020 : BS degree in Mechanical Engineering , POSTECH, Pohang, Korea
GyeongHo Kang (강경호), Ph.D. Candidate, Physics
Contact:; 054-279-5514
2021 : BS degree in Physics, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Gwangju, Korea
Jimin Lee (이지민), Ph.D. Candidate, Physics
Contact:; 054-279-5514
2023 : BS degree in Physics , POSTECH, Pohang, Korea